mignyamagabe@miglimited.com/info@miglimited.com +250 788 671 188 Umuyenzi Plaza, KN 5 Road, Kigali


COOPERTIVE KODUBABAKA was founded in 2008 and is located in Southern province, Nyamagabe District, Kibumbwe Sector by the group of coffee farmers, Currently the cooperative has 30 members (including 11 women) with a main objectives of Unite All Coffee Farmers in kibumbwe sector To improve The Quality And Quantity Of Coffee and To Empower Every member To Have Equal Opportunities To Succeed And Improve Their Livelihoods.

So far the cooperatives have already bought a house within the incomes they generated from coffee purchasing and a large plot of land they plan to expand by planting coffee trees additional to 5,000 coffee trees they already have and pays medical bills of 3 people from a cooperative member.

Their goal is to continue to encourage members to grow coffee and educate young people about the benefits of coffee, that in the future they will be able to raise money in order to continue to lift themselves out of poverty and change the lives of their families.

MIG has worked with cooperative through different Support By buying their coffee at fair price, Providing Improved Seedlings, Genuine Agro-Inputs, Training On Good Agricultural Practices, And Providing Financial Services Continuously.

MIG COFFEE is strongly engaged in strengthening the position of smallholder coffee farmers, ’’When you purchase MIG Coffee you are joining our efforts to improve the lives of our farmers.’’