mignyamagabe@miglimited.com/info@miglimited.com +250 788 671 188 Umuyenzi Plaza, KN 5 Road, Kigali

uwimbabazi jeannette

Uwimbabazi jeannette from Kibumbwe Sector,Nyamagabe District, Southern province, has been a coffee farmer since 2012 after getting married, she started coffee farming on a land given to her by his father-in-law.

So far now she has more than 850 coffee trees and has benefited a lot from it through the best coffee cherry price along with a bonus payment has helped bought other plots of lands, which she is planning to expand coffee farming soon.

Based on high coffee production income, jeannette says she was able to pay school fees for her 2 children, paying for medical expenses and her livelihood was improved day by day.

MIG is strongly engaged in strengthening the position of smallholder coffee farmers, ’’When you purchase MIG Coffee you are joining our efforts to improve the lives of our farmers.’’.