mignyamagabe@miglimited.com/info@miglimited.com +250 788 671 188 Umuyenzi Plaza, KN 5 Road, Kigali

MUSHUBI TEA FACTORY Farms Expansion Project

Mushubi Tea Company is in the process of expanding the area of tea plantations in partnership with Mushubi Tea Factory and the COTHEGAB Cooperative of 10 ha in Gatare sector.

with a nursery or storage of about one million tea seedlings, and the program has already begun and part of the field has been planted and the program is continuing.

Mushubi Tea Factory is in the process of expanding farms in the nearby sectors in order to continue its annual increase in production to meet its tea processing capacity and Exportation.

Agronomist Bimenyimana Anaclet :
"We urge the residents of Mushubi and Musebeya sectors to participate in the expansion of the plantations by planting tea seedlings so that it will benefit them in the future as those in Gatare and Buruhukiro sectors where they started have benefited from the money," he said.

It is one of the goals of the Mushubi Tea factory in helping the people in their profitable projects to improve their livelihoods and develop through tea farming. ”

Nzabandora Kalisa, a resident of Gatare sector in Ruganda cell, Rwangabibi village, said he was happy with the project and hoped that if I planted tea in his farm, it would generate income for him and help his family in their daily lives and other development way.