mignyamagabe@miglimited.com/info@miglimited.com +250 788 671 188 Umuyenzi Plaza, KN 5 Road, Kigali

Our Story

Multisectorial Investment Group (MIG LTD) is a private company created on March 5, 2004, investing in different agriculture sectors such as COFFEE, TEA and HONEY ; our activity are based in Huye and Nyamagabe District which we are planning to expand across the Country .

The goal was to help farmers in the region of south Rwanda in Huye and Nyamagabe district to improve the quality and quantity of coffee and tea production through best agriculture practices and also to increase the quality of life for the farmers.

MIG Ltd commit to practice innovation and sustainability in the coffee and Tea industry and did not forget giving back to community by having a positive impact on their livelihoods not only through employment creation but also provision of other social opportunities.

MIG Ltd has over 5000 farmers grouped together, helping them to develop and investing in different agriculture sectors with the purpose of poverty reduction and improving their livelihoods.

MIG LTD owns 4 coffee washing stations, 2 of which are located in NYAMAGABE District and two others are in HUYE District ; A honey Processing Factory and a Tea factory MTF (Mushubi Tea Factory).


A honey Processing Factory in NYAMAGABE district, Gasaka Sector.


And we have a Tea factory located in NYAMAGABE district, Buruhukiro Sector, MTF (Mushubi Tea Factory).


MIG COFFEE owns 4 coffee washing stations, 2 of which are located in NYAMAGABE district precisely in NGOMA (CYANIKA sector) and NKURUBUYE (KIBUMBWE sector), two others are in HUYE district (one in BUREMERA in MARABA sector) and the other at MURERA in the KIGOMA sector.