mignyamagabe@miglimited.com/info@miglimited.com +250 788 671 188 Umuyenzi Plaza, KN 5 Road, Kigali


NAHIMANA ANNONCIATA from Kigoma Sector, Huye District, Southern province, has been a coffee farmer for most of her life with her late husband since 1981 with just around 2500 coffee trees.

Annonciata notes that MIG’s Coffee loyalty to provide the best fixed coffee cherry price along with a bonus payment has helped her enlarge his coffee farm and even bought other plots of lands, which she is planning to cultivate soon.
While running the farm, she has also raised her 2 children, using the profits from the farm to invest in her children’s education and upbringing.

Based on the higher incomes of coffee farming, Annonciata tells that she was able to expand and rebuild her house, pays medical bills, breeding cows (now she has six cows).

She further states : “The joint partnership with MIG Coffee was beneficial to me and I´m grateful for what I´ve been able to achieve as a coffee farmer. Therefore, I urge people to take up coffee farming as a business, because I can say that it is enriching.
MIG’s agronomy team visit often to check if there are specific needs in relation to pests or disease and then supply the proper insecticides,fertilizers and tools along with practical application advice.”

MIG COFFEE is strongly engaged in strengthening the position of smallholder coffee farmers, ’’When you purchase MIG Coffee you are joining our efforts to improve the lives of our farmers.’’